Beta version under development


Rumen freshner is indicated in all cases of ruminal dysfunction that might be caused by imbalance of ruminal flora or in case of inappropriate ruminal function due to poor ruminal floral performance which usually associated with:

1-Ruminal impaction and indigestion

2-Post antibiotic and anthelmintic therapy.

3-As a supportive treatment during the convalescent periods as it supports the immune function.

4-Decreased appetite or anorexia.

5-Post transportation and change in ration.

6-As a growth promoter in case of poor growth rate due to poor digestion performance.


Dairy and beef cattle

one sachet per day for 5-3 days (50 gm probiotic)and(50 gm prebiotic) mixed together and administered daily.

Sheep and goats

Half sachet per day for 5-3 days (25gm probiotic) and (25 gm prebiotic) mixed together and administered daily.


Dissolve the recommended dose of the probiotic and the prebiotic in 1L of water, mixed genteelly until the powder disperses and administer as a drench.


Effervescent granules 50 gm from each type(probiotic and prebiotic)

Packaging volume: -100 gm and 1 kg

Storage: Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight.

Seven active, micro-encapsulated cultures of Bacteria at no less than 8x10 CFU:

  • Enterococcus faecium
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Bifidobacterium longum
  • Bifidobacterium thermophilum
  • Pediococcus pentosaceous
  • Lactobacillus casei.
  • Bacillus subtilis
  • Digestive Enzymes

  • Alpha-Amylase 30000 IU
  • Protease 2000000 JU
  • Cellulase 2400 IU
  • Lipase 2400 IU
  • Pectinase 400 IU
  • Phytase 250000 IU
  • Others

  • Fermentation product of aspergillus Oryzea.
  • Fermentation product of Saccharomyces cerevisiaes. 5 gm
  • Sodium Bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate and calcium gluconate.

    Vitamin A 170000 IU Gentiana extract 2 g
    Vitamin D3 34,000 IU Nux vomica 02 g
    Vitamin E 12 mg Sodium 8.2 g
    Vitamin B1 1.5 mg Cobalt 60.4 mg
    Vitamin B2 0.2 mg Iron 74 mg
    Vitamin B6 0.34 gm Zinc 500 mg
    Vitamin B12 0.1 mg Manganese 16 mg
    Methionine 1000 mg Lysine 50 mg

    What is the Rumen freshner Synbiotics?

    Rumen freshner Synbiotics

    Is a unique formula of probiotics and prebiotics combination that have been specifically formulated to stabilize and restore the balance of animal's microbiota, so that it can restore the rumen function more efficiently.

    Rumen freshner Synbiotics

    Contains alive micro-encapsulated multi-strain probiotics and prebiotics as a microbial stimulant in formula of an effervescent granules to promote the rapid multiplication of the beneficial rumen microflora which promotes the ruminal functions, recovery and improves digestion.

    Rumen freshner Synbiotics

    Synbiotics provides essential microbial nutrients, vitamins, and trace elements to help promote the growth of rumen bacteria and buffers to counteract pH imbalances. The beneficial bacteria recreate the ideal intestinal conditions for optimum forage digestion.


    The probiotic strains used in the Rumen freshner help in suppressing the undesirable microorganisms, with the use of these beneficial bacteria and live yeasts promoting the natural balance in the rumen and the intestines.


    Prebiotics are carbohydrates that cannot be digested by the body's own enzymes and therefore act as a fermentable substrate for the intestinal microbiota. They are used to positively influence the intestinal flora by promoting the good microorganisms in the intestinal tract such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.


  • Synbiotics are combinations of probiotics and prebiotics which stabilize and balance the animal's microbiota.
  • The simultaneous application of probiotic bacteria and prebiotic yeast cell walls leads to synergistic effects in the digestive tract of the animal.
  • WHY Rumen freshner Synbiotics

  • Rumen freshner delivers powerful probiotics, prebiotics, and vitamins essential to restore the normal rumen function.
  • Billions of CFU/g (Colony Forming Units).
  • Potent and natural support for the ruminal and immune function in cattle.
  • Ideal for ruminant animals of any age that are sick or stressed.
  • Convenient and fast oral treatment effervescent granules with unprecedented strength.
  • Extended shelf-life.

  • Primarily of host origin
  • Non-pathogenic.
  • Exclusion of pathogenic microbes.
  • Adherence to intestinal epithelium.
  • Rejuvenates the desirable microflora.
  • Production of antimicrobial compounds.
  • Stimulates the host system.
  • Non-digestible short-chain carbohydrates, nourishes the desirable microflora,
  • Not get hydrolyzed in the gut.
  • No absorption in the intestine.
  • Undergo fermentation and act as a medium for accelerating growth of beneficial microflora.
  • Synergistic effect with probiotics.
  • Simultaneous administration of prebiotics and probiotics leads to fermentation of the prebiotics

    Prebiotics accelerate the growth of the probiotics, leads to a Synergistic effect which restores the ruminal microflora more efficiently